Grant-based funding became one of the crucial innovations in the Russian academia of the s. It has been studied from quantitative and institutional perspectives while our paper focuses primarily on oral histories of grants that shed light on their subjective meaning Academia is the easiest way to share papers with millions of people across the world for free. A study published in PLOS ONE found that papers uploaded to Academia receive a 69% boost in The study elucidates several pitfalls in the writing of a research paper, a Master's or Ph.D thesis/dissertation, that is, the inadequacies observed in the following components of a typical research work: research title, abstract, introduction, literature review,
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To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Skip to main content. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up. Research Papers. Unfollow Follow Unblock. Other Affiliations:. Euro Asia Research and Development Association is devoted to the dissemination of Scientific, Management and Technolo more Euro Asia Research and Development Association is devoted to the dissemination of Scientific, Management and Technological information around the world and make all efforts towards achieving this goal.
It seeks to strengthen research and advanced education in these and allied fields. EARDA encourages new ideas or new perspectives on existing research. It is a registered non-profit association for academicians and researchers in the field of Engineering, Electronic Communication, Modeling Euro Asia Research and Development Association is devoted to the dissemination of Scientific, Management and Technological information around the world and make all efforts towards achieving this goal.
It is a registered non-profit association for academicians and researchers in the field of Engineering, Electronic Communication, Modeling. FINANCIAL ASPECT OF MUNICIPAL BASIC SERVICES IN INDIA: A STUDY OF HARYANA STATE more. by Research Papers. This paper deals with the status of Municipal Finances and Municipal Services in India, academia research papers. An attempt has been made to: define urban local governments; present a brief historical perspective; and assess main municipal services being provided An attempt has been made to: define urban local governments; present a brief historical perspective; and assess main municipal services being provided by the municipal councils and municipal committees in Haryana.
The paper examines the financial needs for upgrading core infrastructure and services in India. Key issues in the municipal finance, as also the reforms and innovations in the urban management are discussed in this paper. ManagementMarketing academia research papers, and Economics. The banking sector in India has seen a number of changes, academia research papers. Most of the banks have begun to take an innovative approach towards banking with the objective of creating more value for customers in the banks.
Banking in India has already Banking in India has already undergone a huge transformation in the years since Independence. The rate of transformation was particularly high in the s and s, when a number of innovations changed the academia research papers banking was perceived.
Some of the significant innovations and challenges in banking industries in India will discuss in this paper. ManagementMarketingPhysicsand Economics. Facility layout is where the pen meets the paper in the design and operation of academia research papers production system.
A good factory layout can provide real competitive advantage by facilitating material and information flow processes. It can also enhance It can also enhance employees' work life and improved productivity can be achieved, academia research papers. Plant layout is one way to reduce the cost of manufacturing. A systematic service layout can be an effective "stage" for playing out the services to customers. The layout problem has relevance in many areas of facility and equipment design.
The paper aims on studying various types of basic facility layout and advanced facility layouts in practice as well. Study is also aimed on application of Innovative practices in Facility layout planning. The key innovative practices in facility layout planning includes few of the modern Facility Layout Planning designs viz. CRAFT Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique ,SLP systematic layout planning ,QAP Quadratic Assignment Problemacademia research papers, and Basic models like Assembly line balancing, Mixed model line balancing, Group technology layouts, academia research papers, Material handling cost method, Flexible manufacturing system FMS too.
The desired results from present paper is towards the finding out way of facility locations designs offering better productivity and enhanced overall organizational efficiency in all-around. ManagementMarketingand Mathematics. In the development paradigm, micro-finance has evolved as a need-based programme for empowerment and alleviation of poverty to the so far neglected target groups women, poor, deprived etc.
and micro-finance has become one of the most and micro-finance has become one of the most effective interventions for economic empowerment of the poor. The experience across India and other countries has shown a robust potential of Microfinance academia research papers integrate with the development issues thereby significantly impacting the lives of poor.
This paper critically reviews the various empirical studies carried out in India and it will help the researchers in the field of SHG and microfinance. Though the literature available is fairly large, the review is limited to the 53 major studies carried out in India to identify the major trends. Studies carried out in India, as evident from this paper, academia research papers, indicates that micro finance and Self Help groups, academia research papers, by and large contributed to the development of core poor in terms of economic well being, alleviating poverty and empowerment leading to over all development of rural poor.
Mathematics and Economics. Retailing in the Western world is mature, saturated and subjected to intense competition. Growth and survival in today's retail world totally depends on sustainable competitive advantage and developing a sustainable competitive advantage Growth and survival in today's retail world totally depends on sustainable competitive advantage and developing a sustainable competitive advantage requires serious commitment and a customer orientation attitude.
On the basis of market research and intelligence, retailers have to understand customer needs as well as consumer buying behavior so that they are equipped to delight their customers. Retailers need to share information with their suppliers relating to customer buying behaviors in an instant and consistent format, academia research papers. Sharing of information needs a foundation of mutual trust and long terms partnership and a vision of one goal-satisfying the customers' needs at low cost.
So this paper attempts to study consumer perception on adopted SCM practices in retailing as a primary objective and to study Consumer perception on adopted SCM benefits in organized retailing and in pet local retailing as secondary objective.
MathematicsPhysicsand Economics. It is importatn to understand how and why companies adopt corporate social responsibility. The aim of this paper is examine empirically the relationship of CSR initiatives of selected Indian companies with the level of their The aim of this paper is examine empirically the relationship of CSR initiatives of selected Indian companies with the level of their profitability, their ownership status and type of their business activities-service or manufacturing.
For this purposr NSE Nifty listed 50 companies were taken and the data relating to the CSR initiatives of these companies were taken from the secondary source. The relevant data have been analysed with the application of Chi Square test. The findings revealed that the CSR initiatives are independent of all academia research papers companies' profitability level, their ownership status and the type of their business activities i, academia research papers.
Majority of companies are those which are at moderate or low level of CSR initiatives, belong to the private sector, ae from manufacturing industry and have a level academia research papers profitability below Rs. ManagementMarketingMathematicsand Economics. The study has confined only to the Urban Local Body of Imphal city, which is the governance of the East and the West Districts of Imphal. Manipur falls under the jurisdiction of the Imphal Municipal Council. According to the census And taking the Krejcie and Morgan models for determining the size of the simple, i.
So being household total populations, household sample sizes has chosen for the universe of the study. Research Approaches: Review the available data, reports and surveys of the city and initial consultations with the stakeholders, Government officials to understand the capabilities, assets and activities required for the means of living. Data collection has conducted on different parameters followed by reconnaissance surveys, field visits, etc with the help structured interview schedule.
The Socioeconomic status serves to understand the way people survive and making a living in poor urban areas. Marketingacademia research papers, MathematicsPhysicsand Economics. A STUDY ON FINANCIAL HEALTH OF DAIRY INDUSTRY IN ANDHRA PRADESH BASED ON Z SCORE ANALYSIS more, academia research papers. The study deals with the concept of profitability, measurement of profitability in relation to total investment, sales academia research papers shareholders' funds in Dairy Academia research papers in Andhra Pradesh during to It also deals with the evaluation of It also deals with the evaluation of earning power, analysis academia research papers operating efficiency, analysis of financial efficiency and measurement of financial health of Dairy Industry in Andhra Pradesh using Z score analysis.
Global Migration is an integral part of the process of global economic, social and political integration. Globalisation is complex and multifaceted with the process of interdependence among countries.
It will relate with the business It will relate with the business integration and their economic plans, academia research papers. It mainly reflects with the increase in the amount of cross border trade in goods and services. In the recent times there is an increase in the volume of international financial flows and labour flows. Globalization and its impact in the developing countries have vastly creates diversified employment opportunity for youngsters.
High skilled and Expertise professionals get greater demand for their services in developed and developing countries, academia research papers. Talent mobility will be surprisingly increased in the recent years with the rise in oil prices in developing countries. This study deals with various migration facts and remittance issues related with academia research papers global financial crisis and the mobility of talents in Transition economies.
Management and Marketing. We derive thirty three useful MFI We derive thirty three useful MFI performance metrics in the short-term cash flow management areas of inventory academia research papers, accounts receivable and accounts payable management, operating and cash flow cycles. Managerial implications of these metrics and areas for further research are discussed. One of the greatest challenges before the Indian sub-continent which accommodates more than one-third of the population is poverty.
India, academia research papers, one of the BRIC nations with more than 1, academia research papers. India"s economic growth has failed academia research papers make a significant improvement in its poverty figures with millionmore than the total in the poorest African Nations-still stuck in poverty.
Government of India with its concern started various poverty alleviation programs but they have failed to deliver the objectives to the level which is desired. The reasons may be many such as failure to reach the target group, loopholes in the system, developing a robust mechanism to name a few.
Many countries including India experimented with subsidized credit which only led to increase in the NPAs.
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Academia is the easiest way to share papers with millions of people across the world for free. A study published in PLOS ONE found that papers uploaded to Academia receive a 69% boost in Grant-based funding became one of the crucial innovations in the Russian academia of the s. It has been studied from quantitative and institutional perspectives while our paper focuses primarily on oral histories of grants that shed light on their subjective meaning This research paper focuses on the distribution of the testing process, which is not a straightforward task. The research presented here has examined the management of virtual teams within a distributed testing environment in two multi-national companies in Ireland
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