(Use evidence from the ad to prove your thesis) A. Describe the ad. (1.) B. Explain the Context & Target Audience. Where was the ad published? Who is the audience? Show the reader how the components of the ad are designed to target the audience. What are the values of the audience? (2) C. Describe the visual strategies the ad uses to target the audience Each brand has some specifications and core values; it could be in terms of offerings and targeted audience. While structuring the body paragraphs of your advertisement analysis essay ensures to introduce of the targeted audience of the brand, as it has a direct relation with the ad and its big idea. Such as, a brand with the designed products for women always works on the concepts which are Jun 01, · Ad Analysis Outline June 1 1. Lambert 1(Robert) Curtis LambertEnglish Professor Bolton11 June AD Analysis: Outline 1. I am analyzing the Hyundai Sonata Hybrid ad from the December issue of GQ magazine. The ad depicts the Hyundai Sonata Hybrid set in a pastoral landscape with a man flying off through the sky with a jet-pack
Rhetorical Ad Analysis Outline - WorkinProgress
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SlideShare Explore Search You. Submit Search. Home Explore. Successfully reported this slideshow. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data ad analysis outline personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. You can change your ad preferences anytime. Ad Analysis Outline June 1 Ad analysis outline SlideShare. Like this document? Why not share! Ad analysis essay by yalston2 views written analysis on coca cola adver by Natasha views Writing a Report Tips and Sample o by Po Po Tun views Report Writing - Introduction section by Sherrie Lee views.
Embed Size px. Start on, ad analysis outline. Show related SlideShares at end. WordPress Shortcode. TechnologyBusiness. Like Liked. Full Name Comment goes here. Are you sure you want to Yes No. Shelli Prasad. No Downloads, ad analysis outline. Views Total views. Actions Shares. No notes for slide. Ad Analysis Outline June 1 1. Lambert 1 Robert Curtis LambertEnglish Professor Bolton11 June AD Analysis: Outline 1.
I am analyzing the Hyundai Sonata Hybrid ad from the December issue of GQ magazine. The ad depicts the Hyundai Sonata Hybrid set in a pastoral landscape with a man flying off through the sky with a jet-pack strapped to his back. The ad caught my attention because it was creative and appealing to my visual esthetic. BODY paragraph 1: Hyundai is relying on our pathos, or sympathies, for the well-being of the planet in this Earth conscious, eco-friendly, age of the 21st century.
BODY paragraph 2: Ethos plays a moderate role here by asking us to trust Hyundai because they have our future and best interest at heart by hybridizing one of their standard vehicles.
I also point out that the target audience that will not only be sympathetic, but also able to afford the Hybrid, is going to be limited since that market seems fairly small. BODY paragraph 3: It would be difficult to make the argument that this ad depicts much, if any, ad analysis outline, logos.
In paragraph 3 I point out the fact we do not fly to work or short errands with back packs strapped to our back. No logic there, not yet at least! I feel the ad also utilizes forward thinking that will be a stretch for many; the jet-pack example is not a fantasy, but we do not use them for basic transport in The Logical Fallacy I used deals again with the jet-pack as an accepted mode of transportation in our current society.
I have included this logical fallacy in my 3rd body paragraph, ad analysis outline, which is where I deal with the limited amount, if any, of logos. It belongs in this paragraph since I make several statements dealing with the limited ability of the advertisers to use this as logic; the hybrid is real, but the jet-pack mode of transportation is not.
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Writing the Ad Analysis Essay
, time: 26:46Ad Analysis Outline: Ad Analysis Essay Outline - iWriteEssays

(Use evidence from the ad to prove your thesis) A. Describe the ad. (1.) B. Explain the Context & Target Audience. Where was the ad published? Who is the audience? Show the reader how the components of the ad are designed to target the audience. What are the values of the audience? (2) C. Describe the visual strategies the ad uses to target the audience Rhetorical Ad Analysis Outline By MARY ELISABETH SPANG on February 10, AM | 3 Comments | No TrackBacks Hey guys- I know this is rough, and I apologize in advance The following is an ad analysis outline: 1. Introduction Your introduction should state what the ad is for, give a general summary of the context of the ad, name 2. Body Your body paragraphs should use evidence from the ad to prove your thesis statement. You should include the 3. Conclusion
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