Oct 22, · I think your activities list can make the difference in your application. Want proof? Compare these two: Art. Created art pieces and organized school club. Founder, Art Honors Society. Organized and ran meetings, set up field trips, brainstormed and created group art activities, wrote and sent newsletter to members. First description: Who cares? Aug 20, · Three Tools for Up-Leveling Your Activities List. 1. The Epic List of Activities List Verbs. You probably need stronger verbs. How do I know? I’ve seen hundreds of Activities Lists and most need 2. The BEABIES Exercise. 3. The Values Scan Jan 09, · Common App Activities Section Examples. Here are examples from top high school students. These examples should help you write a great Common App activities list: DECA Executive Vice President. Trained 7 state qualifiers; developed fundraising, recruitment campaigns to raise $ in 1 year, increase membership from 6 to 40 members in 2 years –
How to Fill Out the Common App Activities Section
Preparing your Common App activities can be just as stressful as completing the personal statement and college-specific supplements.
This is especially true when your list of activities exceeds the limit set by the Common App! For some students, the 10 spaces for Common App activities are just not enough. If this sounds like you, then consider the following tips for how to fit more than 10 extracurriculars on your activities list. With careful planning and a little creativity, it is possible to make everything fit.
Before thinking about how to squeeze in more than 10 activities, familiarize yourself with the way the activities list is formatted. Previously, students were only given 50 characters for both the role and organization's name. Take advantage of common abbreviations when appropriate and use phrases instead of sentences. With characters, you have no space to waste, activities on common app. My colleague David discusses more tips for fitting more Common App activities onto your list here:.
You will likely have to make some tough activities on common app about which extracurriculars make the final cut. Quality over quantity will come into play as you choose which extracurriculars to feature. Choose only the best of the best! If you still have 13 activities you hope to include, we have more tips for you…, activities on common app. Use the activity categories to your advantage. Since each activity must be assigned a specific activity type, why not include related activities under a single, overarching theme?
Even though two activities have been activities on common app into one, this entry is effective at showing a sincere passion for singing, long-term commitment to different choir groups, and a notable achievement. Unless you have very specific and detailed items to put in the description for each choir activity, they can be joined together, opening a precious empty slot for another amazing activity.
Thematically grouping activities together can be a good way to include either activities with descriptions that may have looked too sparse on their own, or those that were short-term commitments but still worth mentioning. Activity descriptions not only include accomplished tasks and achievements, but can also be where you mention special awards, prizes, trophies, or any other honors received. Instead of a activities on common app activity entry, you may want to consider substituting with an activity-related award or honor.
This would be put in the Common App honors section. Be smart about picking and choosing these, activities on common app, since only five honors can be listed in total.
Drawing attention to an activity-based award in the Honors section can be a good idea if it is standalone and contributes to your Application Persona — the thematic framework running through your application. When the most impressive part of your activity culminated in a single award, place this in honors instead of activities. So what do you do if, even after fine-tuning your activities list as much as possible, you are finding it difficult to stay within the 10 entry limit?
You can also use the additional information section under the Writing tab to add details like research paper abstracts and other noteworthy items related to your Common App activities.
Please note: you should proceed with caution here! Remember activities on common app admissions officers have a ton of reading to do, with thousands of applications in their pile. Use these options to activities on common app upon your activities list in a meaningful way but respect the Common App guidelines. The reality is, admissions activities on common app may just skim an uploaded resumé for the sake of time. Fitting more than 10 extracurriculars onto the Common App activities list is no easy feat.
But by minimizing less important activities and details, grouping activities together, and utilizing other sections to their fullest extent, you can make it all squeeze in. After all, having too much to say is a better problem than having nothing to say at all! Tags : activities testcommon app activitiescommon app activities listcommon app extracurricular activitiesextracurricular activitiesextracurricular activities for college.
Common App Activities: How to Fit More Than 10 Extracurriculars on Your List Angela Sherman October 22, share on. Common App Activities: How to Fit More Than 10 Extracurriculars on Your List Preparing your Common App activities can be just as stressful as completing the personal statement and college-specific supplements. Study the Activities List Before thinking about how to squeeze in more than 10 activities, activities on common app, familiarize yourself with the way the activities list is formatted.
My colleague David discusses more tips for fitting more Common App activities onto your list here: Showcase Your Standout Activities You will likely have to make some tough choices about which extracurriculars make the final cut, activities on common app.
If you still have 13 activities you hope to include, we have more tips for you… Thematically Group Activities Use the activity categories to your advantage. Take Advantage of the Honors List Activity descriptions not only include accomplished tasks and achievements, but can also be where you mention special awards, prizes, activities on common app, trophies, or any other honors received.
Upload a Resumé and Use the Additional Information Section So what do you do if, even after fine-tuning your activities list as much as possible, you are finding it difficult to stay within the activities on common app entry limit? Sign Up for Our monthly Newsletter to get the best admissions tips.
How To Fill Out The Common App Activities Section + sharing my own (yikes)
, time: 19:52Common App Activities: How to Fit More Than 10 on Your List

Sep 10, · Follow these pointers for crafting a rich and memorable Common App activities page. DO make the most of your characters. This 1 tip is exactly characters long. Use every inch to demonstrate your impact beyond the classroom. DO list your most impressive and relevant activities Jan 09, · Common App Activities Section Examples. Here are examples from top high school students. These examples should help you write a great Common App activities list: DECA Executive Vice President. Trained 7 state qualifiers; developed fundraising, recruitment campaigns to raise $ in 1 year, increase membership from 6 to 40 members in 2 years – Oct 22, · Common App Activities: How to Fit More Than 10 Extracurriculars on Your List Study the Activities List. Before thinking about how to squeeze in more than 10 activities, familiarize yourself with Showcase Your Standout Activities. You will likely have
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